Order of Battle 1939
Ist Group/1st Fighter Regiment
Order of Battle June 1941 In June 1941, with the launching of Operation Barbarossa, the Hungarian Air Force was well-trained and moral high, yet by international standards her aircraft were outdated and her Air Force under strength. There were eight fighter squadrons (96 aircraft), ten bomber squadrons (120 aircraft), ten battlefield reconnaissance squadrons (80 aircraft), one long-range reconnaissance squadron (18 aircraft) and one transport squadron (6 aircraft). The main fighter types were Fiat CR-42 biplane (at least 40) Reggiane Re 2000 (built as Hejja in Hungary); bombers were Junkers Ju86K Caproni Ca 135bis, reconnaissance Heinkel He170 He46 WM21s. The Hungarian air brigade, dispatched to the Eastern Front in July 1941, encountered little opposition, yet attrition was high because much of its equipment was obsolescent. The brigade was recalled in December 1941 and plans were made for the license production of German Me 109G and Me 210 warplanes. However, deliveries did not start until 1943 (1,200 warplanes being built in Hungary in 1943-44) and so some 200 warplanes were supplied from Germany, beginning at the end of 1942. The new air brigade left for Russia in June 1942, but it was still poorly equipped. Independent fighter group equipped with Reggiane Re 2000s, 4/II Bomber Group with Caproni Ca135bis bombers, long-range reconnaissance group of Heinkel He 111s 3/2 Short Range Reconnaissance Squadron Heinkel He46 |